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Trigger Finger Surgery

Eliminate the Pain

Trigger Finger often presents with painful locking of a finger. The digit may lock in a flexed, bent position that requires pulling with the unaffected hand to “pop” the finger back into normal position. This “reduction” is often notably painful. Trigger fingers are most often successfully treated with a local steroid injection. Trigger fingers that fail to respond to two such injections typically require a very minor, office-based procedure to alleviate the problem.

Learn more about Trigger Finger Release Surgery at the Boise Hand Center and contact us to schedule a full, comprehensive consultation today.

Outpatient Relief from the Pain

Dr. Cole performs Trigger Finger Surgery as an outpatient, office-based procedure using local anesthetic. This entails a 1 cm incision over the painful triggering area and a transection of the tendon sheath (pulley). Because the pulley has a negligible function, transecting it has no negative effect on hand use. It does, however, immediately alleviate all pain and locking associated with the previous triggering.

Most of Dr. Cole’s patients are able to regain normal movement and function within 3-5 days.

Trigger Finger Surgery - Boise Plastic Surgery

Schedule a Consultation

Learn more about Trigger Finger Release Surgery and schedule a free consultation today.

Planning Your Trigger Finger Release Surgery

How long is recovery from trigger finger surgery?

While a normal digital range of motion is encouraged immediately following surgery, it is important to give your body the time it needs to heal the 1 cm incision on the hand. For this reason, Dr. Cole recommends avoiding stress, strain, and lifting more than 5 lbs for three weeks after surgery.

Almost all patients have returned to normal function at three weeks post-procedure and most do not require physical therapy. However, physical therapy is always available should it be needed.

Schedule your appointment for Trigger Finger Release surgery with Dr. Patrick Cole today.

Do you need physical therapy after trigger finger surgery?

It is important to continue to perform a gentle range of motion activities after trigger finger release. Simply put, this equates to the usual use of your hand while avoiding stress, strain, and lifting more than 5 lbs for three weeks post-procedure. A vast majority of patients do not require physical therapy after trigger finger release. However, if needed, physical therapy is always available.

Schedule your appointment for a Trigger Finger Release surgery with Dr. Patrick Cole today.

Will my trigger finger come back after surgery?

Yes but this is exceedingly rare. Recurrent trigger finger has been estimated to occur in 1-3% of cases. Personally, Dr. Cole has never seen a truly recurrent case of trigger finger in 15 years of performing this procedure.

Schedule your appointment for Trigger Finger Release surgery with Dr. Patrick Cole today.

Schedule a Consultation

Boise Plastic Surgery and Boise Hand Center offer cosmetic, reconstructive, and hand surgery consultations. You will be seen personally by Dr. Cole at each and every visit. Book your appointment today by contacting our office.

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